How to Make Money From Quora and Medium

  • Neither And Both At The Same Time!

In my opinion, there is no better or worse blogging platform. There is only better or worse content because it does not matter which platform you use. If your content does not offer value and mostly solves problems. Then I doubt any blogging platform will work for you.

It’s not about the platform, it’s about the quality of your content. But, seeing that we’re about to discuss one of my favorite topics, count me in. Because I have been exploring Quora and Medium for a while now. In fact, I am working on a particular Quora and Medium content marketing strategy as we speak.

Deciding between Quora or Medium is nearly impossible once you get to know your way around these two platforms. Therefore, I decided not to choose but rather to combine the two platforms. After all, combining them means access to just south of 1 billion visitors per month!

Quora and Medium are about a whole lot more than just answering questions and publishing articles. If you’re just sticking with those two options, then you are sadly losing out on a lot of traffic! That is traffic to any URL, including affiliate offers, by the way.

But, please, you NEVER, under any circumstances, share affiliate links anywhere. There are ways to do that, and there are rules to abide by. Affiliate marketing is a lot of work, it is not as “easy” as is often suggested. But that is a topic and strategy I have covered many times.

  • Knowing Your Biggest Quora And Medium Assets!

With Quora, you have Quora Spaces. Whereas with Medium, you have Medium Publications. Truth be told, these two bear a striking resemblance. In a nutshell, with Quora spaces, you share (or schedule) other people’s answers.

With Medium Publications, you share both your own publications and those of writers writing for your publication. Therefore, besides answering questions and publishing articles. You also want to launch your own Quora Spaces and Medium Publications.

But, with Medium, you also want to get approved to write for other established publishers. Below is a list of 10 publishers on Medium that I find really worth it to write for. Once your content starts getting featured in other publications, the increase in response will knock your socks off!

  3. Reader’s Hope.
  5. Bootcamp.
  6. The Writing Cooperative.
  7. The Startup.
  8. Better Marketing.
  9. Curious.
  10. Startup Grind.

Getting to know your way around Quora Spaces and Medium Publications, however, is quite a bit of work. It is not something you want to rush, because if you make one wrong move (especially targeting) then you will sadly be wasting your time.

Your Quora Space Title and Medium Publication Title make up the slug on the URL. You must choose a title that best describes your content in 2 to 3 words. Those will also be your “target keywords”. Although with any title, I strongly advise you avoid using “English stop words”.

That’s what I thought the first time I read about that, What the heck is “English stop words”? Just do a search in your browser for “English stop words”, and access a rather long list. For instance, starting your title with “The” might not be a good idea.

Moving on, I cannot leave you with a list of great publications to write for on Medium. Without also giving you a list of 10 Quora Spaces you might want to check out.

  1. Skilled English Writing.
  2. Quora Product Updates.
  3. Quora Creator Hub.
  4. Life Is Beautiful.
  5. Stay Motivated.
  6. An Inkling Of Writers.
  7. Affiliate Link Traffic.
  8. Marketing Minions Unite.
  9. Online Business Daily.
  10. Affiliate Marketing Tips.

In conclusion, why must you avoid English stop words in titles? Any title, from Blogging to Facebook Groups. From Quora Spaces to Medium Publications. Your title determines where your site ends up in search engines!

Can you still do affiliate marketing on Quora in 2023? How?

  • Yes, You Can, And No, You Cannot, It’s Complicated!

You can still do affiliate marketing on Quora in 2023, and probably for as long as Quora will be around, I know because I am using Quora for affiliate marketing. But you cannot and must NEVER share affiliate links! Not only will you probably get banned eventually. But by sharing direct affiliate links, you also give the profession “affiliate marketer” a bad name.

Some of us work really hard to build a reputation and gain trust. Because that is the only way you will ever profit from affiliate marketing. Unless you have a couple of thousand dollars lying around that you can use to leverage paid ads, providing you know what you’re doing with paid ads. It can take (in most cases) years to figure that one out, trust me.

I’m assuming your question is with regard to avoiding paid ads, judging by the context. Therefore, I will take you briefly through content marketing strategies. Because content marketing strategies (in my opinion) are the only way you will ever make money online with affiliate marketing.

A content marketing strategy is like a journey you take your visitor on, and you must be able to maintain curiosity throughout the entire journey. Once the curiosity gets “interrupted,” your visitor (and a chance at a sale) is out the window.

  • Doing Affiliate Marketing On Quora The Right Way.


affiliate marketing quora

In a phrase, Quora spaces and Medium. This particular content marketing strategy I came up with knocked my socks off! Leveraging Quora spaces for traffic to Medium, Medium Publications, and affiliate websites. It contains the following 4 primary elements.

  1. Quora Profile.
  2. Medium Profile.
  3. Quora Spaces.
  4. Medium Publications.

By “profile,” I mean a professional profile, not a faceless “content marketing expert” profile. In my opinion, show your face. People are more inclined to interact with people they can relate to. Have your profile 100% complete and as professional as possible.

If you want to get recognized as a professional in your field, it all starts with your online profiles linked to your real name and face. You might also want to do some research into and understand how Quora spaces work.

Now, this is how it comes together in a nutshell. The medium allows affiliate offers, but still, you want to avoid direct affiliate links. It is much more professional to share a website, blog, YouTube video, or landing page. If you want to get recognized as a professional, then you need actually to be one.

You can easily create stunning (FREE) one-page websites, bridge pages, and landing pages. Because those are the only links you ever share with regard to affiliate products. From this website or bridge page, you redirect your visitor to the affiliate offer. You can use these 4 free tools, among many others.

  1. Google Drive.
  2. Google Sites.
  3. Canva Websites.
  4. Google Blogger.

The point is that you need to share the URL to content related to that affiliate offer, in other words, an indexable URL. A direct affiliate link is not an indexable URL. But your content is also important, based on how well it solves a problem or answers a question.

Once you have created websites and bridge pages for the affiliate products you want to promote (one website or bridge page per affiliate product), you share them in your Medium posts. But, all Medium posts that contain links related to affiliate offers must also contain an affiliate disclosure in the article.

With your Quora spaces, you have a “details” section. This is where you include a link to your Medium profile. But you also write an answer related to the space topics and then pin the answer to your space. You then include a link to your Medium post (with your affiliate website), within the answer.

  • You Will Have To Do Some Research For This To Work.

Above we covered the bare basics of an effective content marketing strategy. As you may well notice, the entire journey ends at your affiliate offer. But it is a journey, from your Quora answer or space, readers get to your Medium posts.

If your medium post solves a problem, answers a question, or even offers a guide to achieving something. It must be something your reader is looking for, then they will be a lot more curious to check out your affiliate offer.

I cannot possibly cover this entire strategy in detail in a single answer. Therefore, you might want to use these basics and do a bit of research. This content marketing strategy with Medium and Quora works like a charm. But, you need to understand how content marketing strategies work.

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